May/June 2023
Buzz, 4.6%
ABV: Draught 4.6%
Amber Honey Ale
A dark honey amber ale, with rich malt character and floral honey notes
This is a limited time, Brewer’s Choice Seasonal. Look out for it in pubs on cask, or, purchase it online in mini cask or polypins, while supplies last.
Tasting Notes
Aroma – Rich & sweet malt aroma, slight caramel with low fruity esters and hints of floral blossom honey Taste – Dark roasted malt, buttery biscuit, caramel, a bit of chocolate & molasses. Floral honey undertones and dark fruit dominating the muted hop presence. Mouthfeel – Stout like sweetness, Low carbonation, low hop bitterness. Look – Pouring in a clear, rich, deep amber colour with a slightly tan head.
East Kent Goldings
Tastes Great With
This beer pairs beautifully with anything that would normally go well with honey, such as smoked ham or glazed chicken. Roast carrots or parsnips are a good accompaniment. Sweet nutty desserts such as Baklava will work well.
Gluten (from Barley, Wheat)
This ale can be produced to be suitable for vegetarians and vegans upon request.